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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
How to Become a Professional Forex Trader and make money at the Same Time
If you want to learn how to trade the Foreign Exchange Markets (Forex or FX) has never been as easy as it is today with the spread of the internet. It is quit simple to learn Forex trading online with many fantastic free and commercially available recourses available which are growing each and every day. After becoming educated in the finer methods of trading, the next step is to start the experimentation processes and refine the techniques you have been taught in a customized approach with meets your individualized goals related to realizable profits. Most the people that ask me for advice think that is a long, tedious, expensive and complicated process to become a rich professional Forex trader. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Do I need to say it any more times? Do you know that if you played basketball in the NBA and made 50% of your shots you would be considered one of the greatest shooters of all time? When you are trading Forex you are guaranteed to make 50% of your shots, that’s right you will make winning trades 50% of the time even if you just flip a coin when attempting to decide which currency to pick. So how hard can it really be? Not to difficult is the answer! If it is so easy then why do so many novice traders never make it to the next level and become professional traders? This can be answered with one word, GREED. What they don’t understand is your not going to make a million dollars your first week of trading, but they are going to try anyway. The financial killer to most beginning FX traders is the MARGINS offered by the brokerage firms. If there were no margins one would simply need to make more money than the commissions charged by the brokerage firms to make money. After all, you are GUARANTEED to be correct 50% of the time when entering a trade. There are only two paths a currency can go, UP or DOWN. They can’t go any other ways, all though some of us in the profession for a long time sometimes think they do. So where do you learn about controlling your margins? I will first tell you where you don’t and that is the FOREX BROKERAGE FIRMS. Of course it is not in there interest to explain the financial snake pit you are about to enter. To learn Forex trading online and how to RULE margins and NOT let them RULE you then you are going to need to sign up for a commercial available course. If you knew nothing about the Forex markets at all, but you fully understood the concept of margins and how to make them work FOR you as opposed to AGAINST you then you would not be reading this article, but sipping frozen banana and rum drinks under an umbrella on a beach in Tahiti. Just sit back and think about for yourself a little bit, if you are guaranteed to make winning trades 50% of the time exactly how can you not make money at this?Learn how to make money online automatically and successfully by trading on fore
Forex Trading - Understand the Risks For a Money Making Second Income
What is The Foreign Exchange trades market (also known by the acronym FOREX) is sometimes called the Spot market. Every day the value of trades made on Forex is anything up to $2 trillion. There are no physical goods or stocks traded in Forex: the currency is, quite simply, hard cash money.
Traders in the Forex market buying one currency at the same time as they are selling another, using a Forex broker to make the trade. This paired form of trading means you might be selling US Dollars (USD) at the same time as you are buying GB Pounds (GBP). The trading of currencies is a barometer of current confidence in a country and its economic prospects. The strength of one currency is a demonstration of its position against other competing nations' economies.
Newcomers to Forex might want to know where the hub of the market is situated: the answer is - it has no physical location. The Trading in the Forex market operates electronically through the Interbank network. Unlike other markets, there are no opening or closing prices on Forex, as the market runs 24 hours a day, from Sundays to Fridays.
It is now easy for any individual to start trading in Forex as the high entry thresholds, which served to restrict Forex trading to financial institutions, no longer apply. No longer do you need to have millions of dollars to enter this market, so individuals can start trading online from their homes.
Unlike traditional stock markets, there are no commissions payable to brokers: they receive a bid-ask payment instead. The bid-ask spread value varies: usually 0.1 per cent of much lower depending on the dealer and the lot or contract size.
Why is Forex trading becoming more popular with private investors?
Here are some of the attractions of getting involved in Forex trading:
You pay no commissions, clearing fees, exchange fees, government fees, or brokerage commission.
You deal direct in your chosen currency market, you cut out the middle man.
The minimum trade is low, so it is easy to start trading in Forex.
Transaction costs are not excessive.
The market is open 24 hours a day between Sunday evening and Friday afternoon so you can star Forex investing even if you have a full time job.
Traders compete on equal terms because nobody can corner this vast market.
Huge capital reserves are not necessary, and investor can start with less than $1000.
Your investment is instantly available so your money is not tied up if you need it.
How you can get started in Forex trading from home
All you actually need to get started is a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. Most of the reputable Forex trading sites have helpful step by step instructions to help you, and you can even start out with 'dummy' trades where you do not even risk any of your own money.
The cost of trading in Forex
You can open an account with a deposit of around $250 in your account - this is called your margin. To get a true feel of the market, it would be better to allocate around $1000 if you can afford it - remember you should only deposit this money if you are ready to risk losing it!!
How you can make money in Forex trading
The key is to buy low and sell high, of course - but easier said than done. Any currency that is fluctuating is a potential candidate for a trade, and you can profit well from a change as low as one per cent in the value of a currency.
How you can get started Have a look at any of the major Forex websites on a Business Opportunity Review website where you can check how they are rated, deposit your initial margin and you are ready to become an international Forex Trader. Think of me when you make your first million.
Adrienne Davis runs Forex Trading Help with advice on the risks and rewards of Forex Trading. She has extensive experience in marketing and business start up and publishes a FREE Internet Business Tips Ezine
Reuters - Stock index futures pointed to a sharply higher open for a second day on Tuesday as a plan by Washington to inject $250 billion of capital in major U.S. banks spurred investors to wade back into equities.
Forex Trading Course Learn Forex Trading From The Pros And Win
Advanced Methods For Finding Dominant Trends In Fx
Forex Autopilot System Review
Traders in the Forex market buying one currency at the same time as they are selling another, using a Forex broker to make the trade. This paired form of trading means you might be selling US Dollars (USD) at the same time as you are buying GB Pounds (GBP). The trading of currencies is a barometer of current confidence in a country and its economic prospects. The strength of one currency is a demonstration of its position against other competing nations' economies.
Newcomers to Forex might want to know where the hub of the market is situated: the answer is - it has no physical location. The Trading in the Forex market operates electronically through the Interbank network. Unlike other markets, there are no opening or closing prices on Forex, as the market runs 24 hours a day, from Sundays to Fridays.
It is now easy for any individual to start trading in Forex as the high entry thresholds, which served to restrict Forex trading to financial institutions, no longer apply. No longer do you need to have millions of dollars to enter this market, so individuals can start trading online from their homes.
Unlike traditional stock markets, there are no commissions payable to brokers: they receive a bid-ask payment instead. The bid-ask spread value varies: usually 0.1 per cent of much lower depending on the dealer and the lot or contract size.
Why is Forex trading becoming more popular with private investors?
Here are some of the attractions of getting involved in Forex trading:
You pay no commissions, clearing fees, exchange fees, government fees, or brokerage commission.
You deal direct in your chosen currency market, you cut out the middle man.
The minimum trade is low, so it is easy to start trading in Forex.
Transaction costs are not excessive.
The market is open 24 hours a day between Sunday evening and Friday afternoon so you can star Forex investing even if you have a full time job.
Traders compete on equal terms because nobody can corner this vast market.
Huge capital reserves are not necessary, and investor can start with less than $1000.
Your investment is instantly available so your money is not tied up if you need it.
How you can get started in Forex trading from home
All you actually need to get started is a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. Most of the reputable Forex trading sites have helpful step by step instructions to help you, and you can even start out with 'dummy' trades where you do not even risk any of your own money.
The cost of trading in Forex
You can open an account with a deposit of around $250 in your account - this is called your margin. To get a true feel of the market, it would be better to allocate around $1000 if you can afford it - remember you should only deposit this money if you are ready to risk losing it!!
How you can make money in Forex trading
The key is to buy low and sell high, of course - but easier said than done. Any currency that is fluctuating is a potential candidate for a trade, and you can profit well from a change as low as one per cent in the value of a currency.
How you can get started Have a look at any of the major Forex websites on a Business Opportunity Review website where you can check how they are rated, deposit your initial margin and you are ready to become an international Forex Trader. Think of me when you make your first million.
Adrienne Davis runs Forex Trading Help with advice on the risks and rewards of Forex Trading. She has extensive experience in marketing and business start up and publishes a FREE Internet Business Tips Ezine
Reuters - Stock index futures pointed to a sharply higher open for a second day on Tuesday as a plan by Washington to inject $250 billion of capital in major U.S. banks spurred investors to wade back into equities.
Forex Trading Course Learn Forex Trading From The Pros And Win
Advanced Methods For Finding Dominant Trends In Fx
Forex Autopilot System Review
Striking Out Alone With Your Trading Career
If you are going to survive in day trading, you need be one tough individual. You need to be self reliant and maintain enough promise to your own welfare to know the ins and outs of how to be individualistic enough to succeed. Often you need to be developing your own compass, charting your own territory and developing your own leads. If you need the chronic approval of other people, you aren't likely to make it in the world of financial trading.
eople often make decisions based on the opinions and actions of others. Traveling in packs is natural, almost every wild animal forms some form of pack to help ensure its safety and survival in a rough world. Humans do the same, learning from the rest of the crowd was has been deemed "safe" and what has not. Thus when we make decisions in our lives as traders, we tend to feel safer when we follow the crowd and hang with the pack.
his is not however, generally considered the most profitable approach. Many investors handle their lives in mediocrity. There is a safe and pretty assured return in many of the trades that are done with the blessings of our peers. Yet the profitable trades are the ones that ask us to move beyond our comfort zone and stretch out into the world without the protection of the rest of the pack.
We have always been taught to go with the crowd, be part of the "in" crowd, follow the group, don't stand out, and by God by all means you must be normal. Striking out on our own and making decisions that are completely different from our safety pack can make us feel different enough to be ill. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be that way. You can develop the skills and self confidence to strike out on your own, trade with the big kids, and not worry about the impression that someone else has about our decision. It takes a little time and a dedicated effort, but it can be done. When it is done, and done well, often the results are absolutely mind blowing.
hen you develop a sense of self esteem as related to your trading decisions, you can strike out with confidence. Of course, not every decision you make against the grain is going to be a huge winner, but those that you succeed with are going to help you make your mark.
ne of the biggest drawbacks of going with the crowd is that you lose your ability to decide for yourself whether the trades you are making are definitely in your best interest. What might be in someone else's best interest may not be in yours. And that's okay. Neither one of you have to be wrong, just different. When we follow the crowd we lose our own sense of judgment, we even start to think like others when perhaps originally we came to the game with an entirely different thought process.
Is it important to listen to others and learn from their mistakes and their experiences? Absolutely. Does that mean you should follow them blindly no matter what our instincts tell us? Of course not. We are growing individuals with different plans, goals, strategies, and desires. Unless you are making choices for yourself you start to become a victim of the trading industry and it won't be long before you find that you are becoming disgruntled.
Going with the crowd often means that you are a little bit behind. Unless you become your own trend setter, you have to wait for the trend to develop. By then, the trend has nearly passed you by. Leaving enough time to wait for the majority to hurry up and act so that you know what to do leaves the doors open for a missed opportunity. When you decide for yourself and make decisions based on the information you have and the best interest of your account balance, you get to become the trend setter. And that is almost always much more profitable.
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Article Tags: Investing, Home Business, Work From Home, FOREX, Day Trading, Stock Market, Online Trading, Futures
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/striking-out-alone-with-your-trading-career-602101.html
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If you would like to immensely improve your trading and investing results, check out www.secrets2trading.com AND for a Limited Time, you will also receive a FREE copy of a limited number of the amazing book "Trading In The Zone" which is jam-packed with daily trading ideas and psychological preparations to instantly improve your trading and investing performance.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/striking-out-alone-with-your-trading-career-602101.html
eople often make decisions based on the opinions and actions of others. Traveling in packs is natural, almost every wild animal forms some form of pack to help ensure its safety and survival in a rough world. Humans do the same, learning from the rest of the crowd was has been deemed "safe" and what has not. Thus when we make decisions in our lives as traders, we tend to feel safer when we follow the crowd and hang with the pack.
his is not however, generally considered the most profitable approach. Many investors handle their lives in mediocrity. There is a safe and pretty assured return in many of the trades that are done with the blessings of our peers. Yet the profitable trades are the ones that ask us to move beyond our comfort zone and stretch out into the world without the protection of the rest of the pack.
We have always been taught to go with the crowd, be part of the "in" crowd, follow the group, don't stand out, and by God by all means you must be normal. Striking out on our own and making decisions that are completely different from our safety pack can make us feel different enough to be ill. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be that way. You can develop the skills and self confidence to strike out on your own, trade with the big kids, and not worry about the impression that someone else has about our decision. It takes a little time and a dedicated effort, but it can be done. When it is done, and done well, often the results are absolutely mind blowing.
hen you develop a sense of self esteem as related to your trading decisions, you can strike out with confidence. Of course, not every decision you make against the grain is going to be a huge winner, but those that you succeed with are going to help you make your mark.
ne of the biggest drawbacks of going with the crowd is that you lose your ability to decide for yourself whether the trades you are making are definitely in your best interest. What might be in someone else's best interest may not be in yours. And that's okay. Neither one of you have to be wrong, just different. When we follow the crowd we lose our own sense of judgment, we even start to think like others when perhaps originally we came to the game with an entirely different thought process.
Is it important to listen to others and learn from their mistakes and their experiences? Absolutely. Does that mean you should follow them blindly no matter what our instincts tell us? Of course not. We are growing individuals with different plans, goals, strategies, and desires. Unless you are making choices for yourself you start to become a victim of the trading industry and it won't be long before you find that you are becoming disgruntled.
Going with the crowd often means that you are a little bit behind. Unless you become your own trend setter, you have to wait for the trend to develop. By then, the trend has nearly passed you by. Leaving enough time to wait for the majority to hurry up and act so that you know what to do leaves the doors open for a missed opportunity. When you decide for yourself and make decisions based on the information you have and the best interest of your account balance, you get to become the trend setter. And that is almost always much more profitable.
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Article Tags: Investing, Home Business, Work From Home, FOREX, Day Trading, Stock Market, Online Trading, Futures
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/striking-out-alone-with-your-trading-career-602101.html
Print article Send to friend Publish this Article Author feedback addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = 'ArticlesBase.com';addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, facebook, google, live, more'; About the Author:
If you would like to immensely improve your trading and investing results, check out www.secrets2trading.com AND for a Limited Time, you will also receive a FREE copy of a limited number of the amazing book "Trading In The Zone" which is jam-packed with daily trading ideas and psychological preparations to instantly improve your trading and investing performance.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/striking-out-alone-with-your-trading-career-602101.html
Forex Forums Can Be Your Advice Online
What better way to share strategies, ideas, and portfolios than over the internet? There is a quickly growing number of forex forums scattered throughout the web, all of which are dedicated to making the foreign exchange market run smoothly and profitably. Whether you're a new investor seeking advice on how to operate in the global market, or a long-time trader with a few secrets to share, online forums devoted to the trading of currency are sure to have something for anyone interested in the worldwide economy. Even if you aren't a trader yourself, the knowledge gained about how the global market works is sure to make a difference in your life.
Forex forums can be a great help to a new forex trader because there is a great amount of information in forums and a lot of experienced traders in these forums answer questions and give recommendations that a forex trader can use. Information is very important and unbiased knowledge can be had at many good forums especially when it comes to forex ideas, forex software and broker recommendations. A lot of new forex buy and sell software is discussed in forums and traders write about their experiences with them. Gathering crucial information will help you form your decision before buying a particular software or forex trading system.
Thanks to several forex forums, investors can now set up trades and read important news updates regarding how money across the planet is fluctuating. While the foreign exchange market is notoriously stable, the best players know that if they keep updated, they're sure to have an edge over traders than don't. Any investor worth his salt makes regular visits to at least one forum to check up on important events that may have taken place.
Especially considering that the foreign exchange market is open twenty-four hours (except on weekends), and that the information on the forex forums is available to anyone at any time, traders who keep updated can act quickly and decisively when they note a change in a specific area of the market. If you consider yourself an active trader, the incredible liquidity of the market and the constant stream of information available from forums make it obvious why the foreign exchange is something to consider. Other common forms of investments, bonds, stocks, and the like don't really give the active investor much of an advantage. A dedicated trader on the forex market, however, can get a real edge with the aid of certain tools. The online forum is one of these tools.
Whether you're looking for market strategies or a technical analysis of a certain aspect, or even just past experiences fellow traders have had, there's sure to be something of interest on the various forex forums online. Some even offer the psychological aspect of global trade, and may have links to applications or tools you can use to your advantage. Any trader who wants to keep updated on the global economy (and get a little head start) need look no further than his screen.
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Article Tags: FOREX, Trading, Forex Forums, Forex Killer, Forex Auto Pilot, Forex Review, Forex Tracer.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-forums-can-be-your-advice-online-602751.html
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The best information on forex training. Rick Williamson reveals forex information at Forexebookstore.com.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-forums-can-be-your-advice-online-602751.html
Forex forums can be a great help to a new forex trader because there is a great amount of information in forums and a lot of experienced traders in these forums answer questions and give recommendations that a forex trader can use. Information is very important and unbiased knowledge can be had at many good forums especially when it comes to forex ideas, forex software and broker recommendations. A lot of new forex buy and sell software is discussed in forums and traders write about their experiences with them. Gathering crucial information will help you form your decision before buying a particular software or forex trading system.
Thanks to several forex forums, investors can now set up trades and read important news updates regarding how money across the planet is fluctuating. While the foreign exchange market is notoriously stable, the best players know that if they keep updated, they're sure to have an edge over traders than don't. Any investor worth his salt makes regular visits to at least one forum to check up on important events that may have taken place.
Especially considering that the foreign exchange market is open twenty-four hours (except on weekends), and that the information on the forex forums is available to anyone at any time, traders who keep updated can act quickly and decisively when they note a change in a specific area of the market. If you consider yourself an active trader, the incredible liquidity of the market and the constant stream of information available from forums make it obvious why the foreign exchange is something to consider. Other common forms of investments, bonds, stocks, and the like don't really give the active investor much of an advantage. A dedicated trader on the forex market, however, can get a real edge with the aid of certain tools. The online forum is one of these tools.
Whether you're looking for market strategies or a technical analysis of a certain aspect, or even just past experiences fellow traders have had, there's sure to be something of interest on the various forex forums online. Some even offer the psychological aspect of global trade, and may have links to applications or tools you can use to your advantage. Any trader who wants to keep updated on the global economy (and get a little head start) need look no further than his screen.
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: FOREX, Trading, Forex Forums, Forex Killer, Forex Auto Pilot, Forex Review, Forex Tracer.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-forums-can-be-your-advice-online-602751.html
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The best information on forex training. Rick Williamson reveals forex information at Forexebookstore.com.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-forums-can-be-your-advice-online-602751.html
Forex Blogs - Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
There are a lot of Forex blogs out on the web, and while some of them offer really good advice, others are mostly just fluff with an affiliate link. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't search high and low for a good Forex blog.
A truly quality Forex based blog online to help teach you the ropes of the market, but you do want to make sure that you're following and absorbing the advice of a good Forex blog that is being posted to by an actual trader who knows how the Forex works.
Don't take the advice of someone who is only into theory and can't trade for a profit themselves.
There are several tell tale signs you can look for when looking over a Forex blog that can help you determine whether or not that blog is one you should be listening to, or one that you should actually ignore completely without a second thought.
You Should:
1) Look for a blog that is posted to by someone who actually trades the Forex. Would you learn locksmithing from anyone other than a locksmith? Then why would you try to learn Forex from anyone other than an actual trader? Theory doesn't count. If the person doesn't actively trade, don't take their advice.
2) Look for a blog that gives actual useful information. I'm not talking about a step by step guide to the person's trading system, but each post should provide some information or advice that helps you learn a little bit more than when you first showed up.
3) Learn some about the Forex market yourself. There's enough free information from reliable authority sites that you should be able to learn about all the basics of how the Forex market and Forex trading works, and that will help you spot a phony from a mile away.
4) If anything sounds really fishy, ignore that "expert" and look elsewhere.
sing this advice as a guide should help you to be able to determine whether a Forex blog has any true worth to your ongoing Forex education or not. If not, drop it like a bad habit and don't return.
Your objective is to get good at trading, not to keep skimming blogs to see if someone else is beginning to get it.
When you find a Forex blog that gives good solid information and really strives to help you learn about the market, then read all you can and you'll be on your way to being a better trader.
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Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, FOREX, Currency Traders, Forex Blogs, Good Forex Blogs
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-blogs-separating-the-wheat-from-the-chaff-603205.html
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And now I would like to offer you free access to a Forex trading system that is 89.1% accurate, so you can literally start trading the Forex today. You can access it now by going to: http://www.foreximpact.com/reports/89percent/From Jason Fielder: Founder, ForexImpact.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-blogs-separating-the-wheat-from-the-chaff-603205.html
A truly quality Forex based blog online to help teach you the ropes of the market, but you do want to make sure that you're following and absorbing the advice of a good Forex blog that is being posted to by an actual trader who knows how the Forex works.
Don't take the advice of someone who is only into theory and can't trade for a profit themselves.
There are several tell tale signs you can look for when looking over a Forex blog that can help you determine whether or not that blog is one you should be listening to, or one that you should actually ignore completely without a second thought.
You Should:
1) Look for a blog that is posted to by someone who actually trades the Forex. Would you learn locksmithing from anyone other than a locksmith? Then why would you try to learn Forex from anyone other than an actual trader? Theory doesn't count. If the person doesn't actively trade, don't take their advice.
2) Look for a blog that gives actual useful information. I'm not talking about a step by step guide to the person's trading system, but each post should provide some information or advice that helps you learn a little bit more than when you first showed up.
3) Learn some about the Forex market yourself. There's enough free information from reliable authority sites that you should be able to learn about all the basics of how the Forex market and Forex trading works, and that will help you spot a phony from a mile away.
4) If anything sounds really fishy, ignore that "expert" and look elsewhere.
sing this advice as a guide should help you to be able to determine whether a Forex blog has any true worth to your ongoing Forex education or not. If not, drop it like a bad habit and don't return.
Your objective is to get good at trading, not to keep skimming blogs to see if someone else is beginning to get it.
When you find a Forex blog that gives good solid information and really strives to help you learn about the market, then read all you can and you'll be on your way to being a better trader.
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, FOREX, Currency Traders, Forex Blogs, Good Forex Blogs
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-blogs-separating-the-wheat-from-the-chaff-603205.html
Print article Send to friend Publish this Article Author feedback addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = 'ArticlesBase.com';addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, facebook, google, live, more'; About the Author:
And now I would like to offer you free access to a Forex trading system that is 89.1% accurate, so you can literally start trading the Forex today. You can access it now by going to: http://www.foreximpact.com/reports/89percent/From Jason Fielder: Founder, ForexImpact.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-blogs-separating-the-wheat-from-the-chaff-603205.html
Speaking Like a Pro Forex Trader: Learning More Forex Jargon
There's far more Forex jargon than can be covered in just one article, but this article will also help to fill in more of the most common Forex jargon for beginners. No matter what the group (doctors, astronomers, basketball players, poker players, etc.) each group has its own distinctive lingo. The Forex is no exception, and the sooner you learn some of the lingo, the easier it will be to follow tutorials, learn how to trade, and start holding your own in conversations with other professional traders. So without any further delay:
"Lots." This is more than lingo, and not a word referring to a lot of something. Lots are specifically the bulk amounts of currency required for trading in the Forex market, most currencies are priced in lots of $100,000.
"Margin." This is the minimum amount of money needed to put up to place a trade with a broker. As long as you have this minimum amount in your account you can trade. When your account falls below that margin amount, all your open positions in the Forex market are closed out.
"Margin Call." A margin call is made when, due to losses, your account falls below the allowed minimum for a broker account. When this happens the broker makes a margin call, which will close out all your open positions in the Forex market.
"Limit Order." This is an order to execute a trade only if it hits a specific price or better.
"Carry Trade." Depending on what Forex traders you hang around with, you could hear this one a lot. A carry trade is a trade where you choose a currency pair in which you go interest positive, meaning that you are earning daily interest on your trade because of the difference in interest rates between the two nations.
"Counter-Trend." Many people think this means trending downward, but that is NOT correct. A counter trend market is a market that is not trending either way, meaning all movements are basically staying within the same channeled area.
"GTC Order." Good Till Cancelled Order. This is an order placed for a currency pair that will remain in play until the trader shuts that position down.
"OCO Order." One Cancel Other. A type of trade using two orders that are set up by trigger values. When a currency pair hits a trigger, that trade goes into effect while the other is automatically cancelled.
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Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, FOREX, Forex Jargon, Forex Slang, Trading Jargon
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/speaking-like-a-pro-forex-trader-learning-more-forex-jargon-603169.html
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And now I would like to offer you free access to a Forex trading system that is 89.1% accurate, so you can literally start trading the Forex today. You can access it now by going to: http://www.foreximpact.com/reports/89percent/From Jason Fielder: Founder, ForexImpact.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/speaking-like-a-pro-forex-trader-learning-more-forex-jargon-603169.html
"Lots." This is more than lingo, and not a word referring to a lot of something. Lots are specifically the bulk amounts of currency required for trading in the Forex market, most currencies are priced in lots of $100,000.
"Margin." This is the minimum amount of money needed to put up to place a trade with a broker. As long as you have this minimum amount in your account you can trade. When your account falls below that margin amount, all your open positions in the Forex market are closed out.
"Margin Call." A margin call is made when, due to losses, your account falls below the allowed minimum for a broker account. When this happens the broker makes a margin call, which will close out all your open positions in the Forex market.
"Limit Order." This is an order to execute a trade only if it hits a specific price or better.
"Carry Trade." Depending on what Forex traders you hang around with, you could hear this one a lot. A carry trade is a trade where you choose a currency pair in which you go interest positive, meaning that you are earning daily interest on your trade because of the difference in interest rates between the two nations.
"Counter-Trend." Many people think this means trending downward, but that is NOT correct. A counter trend market is a market that is not trending either way, meaning all movements are basically staying within the same channeled area.
"GTC Order." Good Till Cancelled Order. This is an order placed for a currency pair that will remain in play until the trader shuts that position down.
"OCO Order." One Cancel Other. A type of trade using two orders that are set up by trigger values. When a currency pair hits a trigger, that trade goes into effect while the other is automatically cancelled.
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Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, FOREX, Forex Jargon, Forex Slang, Trading Jargon
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/speaking-like-a-pro-forex-trader-learning-more-forex-jargon-603169.html
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And now I would like to offer you free access to a Forex trading system that is 89.1% accurate, so you can literally start trading the Forex today. You can access it now by going to: http://www.foreximpact.com/reports/89percent/From Jason Fielder: Founder, ForexImpact.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/speaking-like-a-pro-forex-trader-learning-more-forex-jargon-603169.html
Do Forex Trading Experience is not Needed if You Use Automated Forex Trading System?
Many automated forex trading systems say that there is no need to have any experience if you trade with automated forex trading systems. Because the automated forex trading systems will automatically place orders for you with out any human intervention. Is this really so?
But this is absolutely wrong. Until and unless you have some trading experience and some knowledge on forex trading you can?t make profits with forex trading systems.
To make consistent profits with automated forex trading systems, you need know the various forex trading strategies. Forex trading strategies are very important whether you trade forex manually or you trade with automated forex trading systems. There are many strategies while trading forex. But all those strategies won?t be useful while you trade with automated forex trading systems. There only a few which can be used while you trade with forex system software.
Before having your own automated forex system, take a good forex course. In internet there are lots of e-books and e-courses are available. Buy a good one and put that for your reference for your life time. There is another best way to learn! If any of you friends are already in forex trading then learn from them. They will tell you all the insider secrets and also the mistakes that often many people do. This is something like live training for you. If there is no one for you to teach forex trading like that, then better go for good forex e-book or a forex e-course. Generally, do not go for free e-course. They will make you learn the basics and some terminology but never tell you the insider secrets or the forex strategies.
After having your e-course, now pick up the various forex strategies that you have learnt. Now get a best automated forex trading system and put it on demo mode and test it with various forex strategies that you have learnt. Now filter out the strategies those does not work with your automated forex trading system. Now you will be left with some strategies that work with your forex trading system software. By doing this you will have better hands on your automated forex trading system and you also know which strategy works well with your forex system software. Now with this you are ready to trade with real accounts.
I summarize that, if you really want to trade with automated forex trading system and make consistent profits, prepare well and learn the strategies. Forex strategies are very important whether you trade manually or you trade with automated forex system software. To make consistent profits with forex trading system, a forex strategy is very necessary. Do not believe the captions that ?no prior forex trading experience is needed if you have an automated forex trading system!? Prior forex trading experience is needed! Click Here to get instant access to the best Automated Forex Trading System!
Click Here to get instant access to the best Automated Forex Trading System!
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Article Tags: Forex Trading Systems, Automated Forex Trading System, Automated Forex Trading System Software
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/do-forex-trading-experience-is-not-needed-if-you-use-automated-forex-trading-system-604029.html
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Venu Modalavalasa is a forex expert advisor since 1998.
For More Information, Visit: http://www.AutomatedForexTradingSystemSoftware.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/do-forex-trading-experience-is-not-needed-if-you-use-automated-forex-trading-system-604029.html
But this is absolutely wrong. Until and unless you have some trading experience and some knowledge on forex trading you can?t make profits with forex trading systems.
To make consistent profits with automated forex trading systems, you need know the various forex trading strategies. Forex trading strategies are very important whether you trade forex manually or you trade with automated forex trading systems. There are many strategies while trading forex. But all those strategies won?t be useful while you trade with automated forex trading systems. There only a few which can be used while you trade with forex system software.
Before having your own automated forex system, take a good forex course. In internet there are lots of e-books and e-courses are available. Buy a good one and put that for your reference for your life time. There is another best way to learn! If any of you friends are already in forex trading then learn from them. They will tell you all the insider secrets and also the mistakes that often many people do. This is something like live training for you. If there is no one for you to teach forex trading like that, then better go for good forex e-book or a forex e-course. Generally, do not go for free e-course. They will make you learn the basics and some terminology but never tell you the insider secrets or the forex strategies.
After having your e-course, now pick up the various forex strategies that you have learnt. Now get a best automated forex trading system and put it on demo mode and test it with various forex strategies that you have learnt. Now filter out the strategies those does not work with your automated forex trading system. Now you will be left with some strategies that work with your forex trading system software. By doing this you will have better hands on your automated forex trading system and you also know which strategy works well with your forex system software. Now with this you are ready to trade with real accounts.
I summarize that, if you really want to trade with automated forex trading system and make consistent profits, prepare well and learn the strategies. Forex strategies are very important whether you trade manually or you trade with automated forex system software. To make consistent profits with forex trading system, a forex strategy is very necessary. Do not believe the captions that ?no prior forex trading experience is needed if you have an automated forex trading system!? Prior forex trading experience is needed! Click Here to get instant access to the best Automated Forex Trading System!
Click Here to get instant access to the best Automated Forex Trading System!
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading Systems, Automated Forex Trading System, Automated Forex Trading System Software
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/do-forex-trading-experience-is-not-needed-if-you-use-automated-forex-trading-system-604029.html
Print article Send to friend Publish this Article Author feedback addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = 'ArticlesBase.com';addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, facebook, google, live, more'; About the Author:
Venu Modalavalasa is a forex expert advisor since 1998.
For More Information, Visit: http://www.AutomatedForexTradingSystemSoftware.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/do-forex-trading-experience-is-not-needed-if-you-use-automated-forex-trading-system-604029.html
Forex Market Trading in Recession
Economic recessions are devastating to the world markets. Beginning in 2007, an economic recession has appeared imminent and unavoidable. This is terrible news for stocks, corporations, and the world economies alike. Businesses will close due to financial loss, stock value in corporations will fall, and entrepreneurs are faced with little demand for new products and services. All markets are negatively affected by an economic recession, except for the forex market trading sector.
Many companies and stock gurus are turning to the forex market. Why? There are a number of reasons. Many of these reasons have to do with the versatility of forex market trading, especially its ability to offer worthwhile investment opportunities despite economic conditions.
First and foremost, forex market trading is immune to economic recessions. Of course the value of a currency falls during financial crises, but so do all other currencies. Since the forex market is based on the trading of one currency with another, a currency only loses value when compared to another currency. Since the monetary worth of all currencies are affected by the economic condition of the world, the forex market is a wise way to invest your money, especially during recessions. When the value of one currency falls, another goes up. Even during the worst times, there is always a profit to be made because the worth of a currency is relative. That is the beauty of forex market trading. When one currency is failing, another currency is faring better.
Many individual investors and companies opt to participate in forex market trading instead of other investment options. Though there aren't as many choices with forex market trading as there are with stocks, the enormous trading volume easily makes up for the lack of options. There are only 7 or 8 commonly traded currencies, but over $3 trillion worth of currency is exchanged every day. This worldwide trading system always generates money making opportunities. Even if the amount of currency exchanged were to fall by a few billion dollars, forex is still large enough to easily compensate. A fall in the amount of traded currencies will not greatly affect the profit potential.
Since forex market trading is open 24 hours a day, the potential to turn profits is increased even further. An investor can watch how a currency is doing at any time of the day, especially since internet trading has made forex information instantly available.
Still not convinced to take the plunge? How about the ability to work your own hours? Not only is the forex market almost recession proof, its 24 hour trading timeframe allows investors to make their own schedule. So how about securing your financial future? Trading with forex will ensure you will always have a decent way to make money, even in the worst of economic times.
Peter Flemming is a professional Forex Trader and is a staff writer for a forex trading website about learning forex trading and trading education. Download a copy of our ebook for forex beginners today!
You may republish this article on the condition that it is not edited and all html links to our website are kept intact. TradingProfits.org All Rights Reserved.
AP - In the midst of historic volatility on Wall Street there is a continuing trend of blacks saving and investing less than whites, according to a survey released Wednesday. The difference is attributed to various social and cultural reasons such as getting less exposure to personal finance concepts and advice.
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Many companies and stock gurus are turning to the forex market. Why? There are a number of reasons. Many of these reasons have to do with the versatility of forex market trading, especially its ability to offer worthwhile investment opportunities despite economic conditions.
First and foremost, forex market trading is immune to economic recessions. Of course the value of a currency falls during financial crises, but so do all other currencies. Since the forex market is based on the trading of one currency with another, a currency only loses value when compared to another currency. Since the monetary worth of all currencies are affected by the economic condition of the world, the forex market is a wise way to invest your money, especially during recessions. When the value of one currency falls, another goes up. Even during the worst times, there is always a profit to be made because the worth of a currency is relative. That is the beauty of forex market trading. When one currency is failing, another currency is faring better.
Many individual investors and companies opt to participate in forex market trading instead of other investment options. Though there aren't as many choices with forex market trading as there are with stocks, the enormous trading volume easily makes up for the lack of options. There are only 7 or 8 commonly traded currencies, but over $3 trillion worth of currency is exchanged every day. This worldwide trading system always generates money making opportunities. Even if the amount of currency exchanged were to fall by a few billion dollars, forex is still large enough to easily compensate. A fall in the amount of traded currencies will not greatly affect the profit potential.
Since forex market trading is open 24 hours a day, the potential to turn profits is increased even further. An investor can watch how a currency is doing at any time of the day, especially since internet trading has made forex information instantly available.
Still not convinced to take the plunge? How about the ability to work your own hours? Not only is the forex market almost recession proof, its 24 hour trading timeframe allows investors to make their own schedule. So how about securing your financial future? Trading with forex will ensure you will always have a decent way to make money, even in the worst of economic times.
Peter Flemming is a professional Forex Trader and is a staff writer for a forex trading website about learning forex trading and trading education. Download a copy of our ebook for forex beginners today!
You may republish this article on the condition that it is not edited and all html links to our website are kept intact. TradingProfits.org All Rights Reserved.
AP - In the midst of historic volatility on Wall Street there is a continuing trend of blacks saving and investing less than whites, according to a survey released Wednesday. The difference is attributed to various social and cultural reasons such as getting less exposure to personal finance concepts and advice.
Top Ten Trading Systems Commodity Trading Systems Futures
Margin Trading Introduction
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Forex Trading Systems - A One Rule Free System For Big Profits!
Here we will outline a forex trading system which consists of just one rule anyone can use and apply for big profits. This system takes the guesswork out of forex trading - all you do is follow the rule and you can make big gains...
The forex trading system we are going to look at here is called the 4 Week Rule and it's been around since the late seventies, when trading legend Richard Donchian developed it to trade commodities.
It works on any trending market and forex markets trend well here is the rule:
When the price hits a new high in a four week period, buy long and cover short positions. If the price fall to a four week low reverse and sell short.
Its so simple and your probably wondering does that simple rule really make money?
Well the answer is yes it does - simply test it and see.
Just because its simple doesn't mean it doesn't make money, all the best forex trading systems are simple.
This forex trading system has been used by some of the top traders around the world, as a basis for their forex trading strategies and if its good enough for them, then its good enough for you and me.
Does it have a downside?
Yes, it will get you in on every major move and when markets are trending, it will perform well - but when they go sideways, the system can get chopped about, so consider filtering the exit:
Smoothing the Equity Curve
Exist on a 1 or 2 week low or high and go flat. Execute the next open position on the 4 week rule. You can also use a moving average as a stop - test and see which gives you the best drawdown to gains.
When executing this system you need to have discipline and be aware its not fussy on pinpoint market timing and it doesn't trade that often. However, for the patient trader who is looking for a long term system which takes just 20 minutes a day and is proven to work - it's a fantastic system and its free.
Breakout trading works and with forex markets being such great trending markets, you can see why this system is a great one, for any trader seeking long term currency trading success.
Most traders will dismiss it as its simple but that's a mistake.
You get lots of systems that are clever and are based on chaos theory, neural networks and all sorts of science - but science and complicated systems, don't beat simple ones and that's a fact.
If science and complexity did help, we would have more winning traders than we did 50 years ago and we don't. The ratio still remains the same - 95% lose 5% win.
So try the 4 Week rule and you will be surprised, at how powerful and profitable this system can be.
It's free, proven and could help you enjoy currency trading success - check it out.
Get free essential trading Pdf's on catching the big profits from the big moves and more on Automated Forex Trading Systems visit our website at: http://www.forextrendfollowing.com
Reuters - Shares across the world fell for the second straight day on Thursday, pummeled by signs the world's biggest economies were headed for recession after a month of financial sector turmoil.
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The forex trading system we are going to look at here is called the 4 Week Rule and it's been around since the late seventies, when trading legend Richard Donchian developed it to trade commodities.
It works on any trending market and forex markets trend well here is the rule:
When the price hits a new high in a four week period, buy long and cover short positions. If the price fall to a four week low reverse and sell short.
Its so simple and your probably wondering does that simple rule really make money?
Well the answer is yes it does - simply test it and see.
Just because its simple doesn't mean it doesn't make money, all the best forex trading systems are simple.
This forex trading system has been used by some of the top traders around the world, as a basis for their forex trading strategies and if its good enough for them, then its good enough for you and me.
Does it have a downside?
Yes, it will get you in on every major move and when markets are trending, it will perform well - but when they go sideways, the system can get chopped about, so consider filtering the exit:
Smoothing the Equity Curve
Exist on a 1 or 2 week low or high and go flat. Execute the next open position on the 4 week rule. You can also use a moving average as a stop - test and see which gives you the best drawdown to gains.
When executing this system you need to have discipline and be aware its not fussy on pinpoint market timing and it doesn't trade that often. However, for the patient trader who is looking for a long term system which takes just 20 minutes a day and is proven to work - it's a fantastic system and its free.
Breakout trading works and with forex markets being such great trending markets, you can see why this system is a great one, for any trader seeking long term currency trading success.
Most traders will dismiss it as its simple but that's a mistake.
You get lots of systems that are clever and are based on chaos theory, neural networks and all sorts of science - but science and complicated systems, don't beat simple ones and that's a fact.
If science and complexity did help, we would have more winning traders than we did 50 years ago and we don't. The ratio still remains the same - 95% lose 5% win.
So try the 4 Week rule and you will be surprised, at how powerful and profitable this system can be.
It's free, proven and could help you enjoy currency trading success - check it out.
Get free essential trading Pdf's on catching the big profits from the big moves and more on Automated Forex Trading Systems visit our website at: http://www.forextrendfollowing.com
Reuters - Shares across the world fell for the second straight day on Thursday, pummeled by signs the world's biggest economies were headed for recession after a month of financial sector turmoil.
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Forex Calculator Which One Is The
Rim Stock Sinks In Opening Trade After Results Reuters Via Yahoo
Proven Forex Trading Profit
I wanted to take the time to share with you that you can have proven forex trading profit. The forex market or foreign exchange market is the biggest market in the world with several trillion dollars being exchanged each day. These numbers often attract boat loads of people looking to make huge sums of money in this market. Being prepared to trade in this market is important because you can lose money. Protecting your money from bad trades, as well as knowing how to make the right decisions is what will give you the profit over the long run. I'm going to show you that proven forex trading profit is possible and I'll show you how.
The first thing you need to do is protect your money from loss. There's no point in learning to profit, if you can't protect that profit. Bad trades will happen to you, just like they happen to the richest traders in the market. It's what you do with the trades that count. It's really easy; cut your losses. Seems simple, but in the heat of the moment, most people will hold onto a trade. You have to learn to let go of bad trades or they'll such more money out of you.
Another method that leads to proven forex trading profit is the need for automated trading software. Finding profitable trades is a very repetitive and mathematical task. Computers are designed to do that work, this is why I use Forex Loophole software which watches the market 24hrs a day and buys into the most profitable trades.
Don't wait another minute in this bad economy. Making profits in the forex market just got easy. Use the Forex Loophole.
Reuters - U.S. and Europe Union leaders agreed on Thursday to meet at the weekend to prepare for a global summit to overhaul the world's financial system, while fears of global recession continued to rattle markets.
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The first thing you need to do is protect your money from loss. There's no point in learning to profit, if you can't protect that profit. Bad trades will happen to you, just like they happen to the richest traders in the market. It's what you do with the trades that count. It's really easy; cut your losses. Seems simple, but in the heat of the moment, most people will hold onto a trade. You have to learn to let go of bad trades or they'll such more money out of you.
Another method that leads to proven forex trading profit is the need for automated trading software. Finding profitable trades is a very repetitive and mathematical task. Computers are designed to do that work, this is why I use Forex Loophole software which watches the market 24hrs a day and buys into the most profitable trades.
Don't wait another minute in this bad economy. Making profits in the forex market just got easy. Use the Forex Loophole.
Reuters - U.S. and Europe Union leaders agreed on Thursday to meet at the weekend to prepare for a global summit to overhaul the world's financial system, while fears of global recession continued to rattle markets.
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Forex Price Movement - Prices are not Predictable But You Can Win if You Understand This Key Fact
an you predict Forex prices in advance after all human nature is constant and repeats itself? Human nature does but if you predict you will lose - if you follow the method enclosed though you can win...
ou often see vendors selling systems that say they can predict with 90% accuracy, pinpoint market tops and bottoms in advance etc but they always present a simulated track record backwards to prove the point, knowing the closing prices.
hey bend the rules of the system to make a profit on the data segment and in real time of course the exact same price history never unfolds and the system breaks causing a loss. People have seen the appliance of complicated mathematics enrich our life in other areas and assume it works in forex markets.
here is however a problem with forex markets and it's obvious - they do not move to a set theory that conforms to mathematics, so complex equations don't work.
his fact proves the point:
roof Complicated Theories Don't Work
0 years ago 95% of traders lost and the same ratio lose today. This is despite all the advances we have seen in computer forecasting, computer power and new theories in the period - they haven't helped!
An Odds Based Market
n forex markets you have a market that moves on probabilities NOT certainties and while you can win, you need to forget complicated theories and keep it simple and see Forex trading as an odds game.
t's a fact that simple theories are more robust in terms of turning forex price movement into profit as there are fewer variables to break in the brutal ever changing world of forex trading.
hen trading you have to accept that you are going to lose at times but if you continue to trade high odds set ups you will have more winners than losers and if you run your profits and cut your losses you will win overtime.
hy Successful Forex Trading is similar to Poker
he Successful poker player knows he wont win every hand but that doesn't bother him, as he folds or passes by low odds hands or hands that go against him and hits the high odds hands. Poker is a game of probabilities just like forex and if you think like the successful poker players you can win.
orex trading is still a combination of a simple forex trading system applied with discipline to keep losses small and run profitable high odds trades.
Many people think that science and complication lead to success in all areas of life in some yes - in forex no. So keep it simple, play the odds, trade with discipline and you can enjoy currency trading success
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, Forex Education, Forex Advice, Forex Basics, Forex Price Movement
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-price-movement-prices-are-not-predictable-but-you-can-win-if-you-understand-this-key-fact-604546.html
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For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on how to Become a Forex Trader visit our website at: http://www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-price-movement-prices-are-not-predictable-but-you-can-win-if-you-understand-this-key-fact-604546.html
ou often see vendors selling systems that say they can predict with 90% accuracy, pinpoint market tops and bottoms in advance etc but they always present a simulated track record backwards to prove the point, knowing the closing prices.
hey bend the rules of the system to make a profit on the data segment and in real time of course the exact same price history never unfolds and the system breaks causing a loss. People have seen the appliance of complicated mathematics enrich our life in other areas and assume it works in forex markets.
here is however a problem with forex markets and it's obvious - they do not move to a set theory that conforms to mathematics, so complex equations don't work.
his fact proves the point:
roof Complicated Theories Don't Work
0 years ago 95% of traders lost and the same ratio lose today. This is despite all the advances we have seen in computer forecasting, computer power and new theories in the period - they haven't helped!
An Odds Based Market
n forex markets you have a market that moves on probabilities NOT certainties and while you can win, you need to forget complicated theories and keep it simple and see Forex trading as an odds game.
t's a fact that simple theories are more robust in terms of turning forex price movement into profit as there are fewer variables to break in the brutal ever changing world of forex trading.
hen trading you have to accept that you are going to lose at times but if you continue to trade high odds set ups you will have more winners than losers and if you run your profits and cut your losses you will win overtime.
hy Successful Forex Trading is similar to Poker
he Successful poker player knows he wont win every hand but that doesn't bother him, as he folds or passes by low odds hands or hands that go against him and hits the high odds hands. Poker is a game of probabilities just like forex and if you think like the successful poker players you can win.
orex trading is still a combination of a simple forex trading system applied with discipline to keep losses small and run profitable high odds trades.
Many people think that science and complication lead to success in all areas of life in some yes - in forex no. So keep it simple, play the odds, trade with discipline and you can enjoy currency trading success
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, Forex Education, Forex Advice, Forex Basics, Forex Price Movement
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-price-movement-prices-are-not-predictable-but-you-can-win-if-you-understand-this-key-fact-604546.html
Print article Send to friend Publish this Article Author feedback addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = 'ArticlesBase.com';addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, facebook, google, live, more'; About the Author:
For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on how to Become a Forex Trader visit our website at: http://www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-price-movement-prices-are-not-predictable-but-you-can-win-if-you-understand-this-key-fact-604546.html
Forex Trading - Why Complicated Mathematical Formula is not the Way to Succeed
ou see a lot of Forex trading systems online that claim that there complicated mathematical formulas can beat the market but this is not true for one simple reason...
act - Forex market do not move to a mathematical theory which you can predict forex price movement with and the rest of this article will explain why, give the proof and show you a better way to win with your forex trading strategy.
ou will hear a lot of traders telling you maths works and that gurus theories such as Gann, Elliot and Fibonacci are scientific and mathematical ways of doing trading but the definition of a mathematical theory is:
t works ALL the time not now and again!
he theories just mentioned don't and neither do any other mathematical theories - its rubbish to say forex markets move to mathematics.
ou often see systems sold that say they work to complex mathematical algorithms or were devised by a wiz kid - but look at the track record and what do you see?
made up track record in hindsight, using closing data and knowing everything that happened! Well that's not hard to do, anyone can make a profit if they know tomorrows price today but that's not real life. Real life is - trading without knowing the price.
he track records are simply bent to show a profit, on the data segment studied and the more it's bent, the more unlikely it is to work in real time, as no two segments of data ever repeat exactly.
f You Want to Win at Forex Remember this:
he markets don't move to some mystical law that repeats exactly - but they do move on probability and by trading high odds set ups, you may not win every time but you will win more than you lose and with sound money management you can win long term.
he key is to use a simple odds based method, as simple systems always work best, as they have fewer elements to break in the brutal world that is forex trading.
Think About this key Point
n 100 years despite all the advances in computers, forecasting and speed of communications, we have seen no increase in the number of winning traders and this goes to show that complicated mathematics and fancy theories do not increase the odds of success.
A Simple Way to Succeed
Success in forex trading is dependant on a simple robust forex trading system, combined with discipline and sound money management; this has always been so and always will be.
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, Forex Education, Forex Advice, Forex Basics, Forex Price Movement
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-why-complicated-mathematical-formula-is-not-the-way-to-succeed-604548.html
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For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on how to Become a Forex Trader visit our website at: http://www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-why-complicated-mathematical-formula-is-not-the-way-to-succeed-604548.html
act - Forex market do not move to a mathematical theory which you can predict forex price movement with and the rest of this article will explain why, give the proof and show you a better way to win with your forex trading strategy.
ou will hear a lot of traders telling you maths works and that gurus theories such as Gann, Elliot and Fibonacci are scientific and mathematical ways of doing trading but the definition of a mathematical theory is:
t works ALL the time not now and again!
he theories just mentioned don't and neither do any other mathematical theories - its rubbish to say forex markets move to mathematics.
ou often see systems sold that say they work to complex mathematical algorithms or were devised by a wiz kid - but look at the track record and what do you see?
made up track record in hindsight, using closing data and knowing everything that happened! Well that's not hard to do, anyone can make a profit if they know tomorrows price today but that's not real life. Real life is - trading without knowing the price.
he track records are simply bent to show a profit, on the data segment studied and the more it's bent, the more unlikely it is to work in real time, as no two segments of data ever repeat exactly.
f You Want to Win at Forex Remember this:
he markets don't move to some mystical law that repeats exactly - but they do move on probability and by trading high odds set ups, you may not win every time but you will win more than you lose and with sound money management you can win long term.
he key is to use a simple odds based method, as simple systems always work best, as they have fewer elements to break in the brutal world that is forex trading.
Think About this key Point
n 100 years despite all the advances in computers, forecasting and speed of communications, we have seen no increase in the number of winning traders and this goes to show that complicated mathematics and fancy theories do not increase the odds of success.
A Simple Way to Succeed
Success in forex trading is dependant on a simple robust forex trading system, combined with discipline and sound money management; this has always been so and always will be.
ate this Article:12345Current: 0 / 5 stars - 0 vote(s).
Article Tags: Forex Trading, Currency Trading, Forex Education, Forex Advice, Forex Basics, Forex Price Movement
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-why-complicated-mathematical-formula-is-not-the-way-to-succeed-604548.html
Print article Send to friend Publish this Article Author feedback addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = 'ArticlesBase.com';addthis_options = 'favorites, email, digg, delicious, facebook, google, live, more'; About the Author:
For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on how to Become a Forex Trader visit our website at: http://www.learncurrencytradingonline.com
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-why-complicated-mathematical-formula-is-not-the-way-to-succeed-604548.html
Chaikin Money Flow - Technical Indicator
haikin Money Flow - Overview
The chaikin money flow (CMF) was developed by Marc Chaikin and attempts to determine if a stock is under accumulation or distribution by comparing the closing price to the high-low range of the trading session. In Lehman's terms, if the stock closes near the high of the session with increased volume, the CMF increases in value. Conversely, if the stock closes near the low of the session with increased volume, the CMF decreases in value. The chaikin money flow indicator was developed as an expansion to the On Balance Volume indicator.
haikin Money Flow - Formula
The chaikin money flow indicator is calculated by summing the accumulation/distribution line for "x" periods. Traders generally use 21-periods for calculating the indicator.
Trading with the Chaikin Money Flow Indicator
ero Line Crosses
The basic trading premise with the CMF indicator is if the indicator is above 0 this is a bullish sign, while a reading below 0 represents a bearish signal. Reading above +.25 or below -.25 indicate strong trends and positions can be added on minor corrections.
rend Lines
Like many other indicators, traders will draw trend lines on the indicators themselves and look for both breakouts on the indicator and the price on the chart. This method is very subjective, since the trader will have to accurately identify the trend on the indicator.
Divergence can show up in the indicator when the chaikin money flow indicator makes a higher high, while the price action makes a lower low. This implies that there is less selling pressure pushing the security lower, thus a bounce is in order.
See You at the Top,
Al Hill is the co-founder of mysmp.com (My Stock Market Power) which provides free trading articles to investors.
Please visit http://www.mysmp.com/ for more free articles.
AFP - As stock markets sink and fears grow of a global recession, Latin America is banking on gains as well as losses from tourists tightening their purse strings.
Stock Trading Business
September Auto Sales Canada 1 7 Vs Us
Trading Tips
The chaikin money flow (CMF) was developed by Marc Chaikin and attempts to determine if a stock is under accumulation or distribution by comparing the closing price to the high-low range of the trading session. In Lehman's terms, if the stock closes near the high of the session with increased volume, the CMF increases in value. Conversely, if the stock closes near the low of the session with increased volume, the CMF decreases in value. The chaikin money flow indicator was developed as an expansion to the On Balance Volume indicator.
haikin Money Flow - Formula
The chaikin money flow indicator is calculated by summing the accumulation/distribution line for "x" periods. Traders generally use 21-periods for calculating the indicator.
Trading with the Chaikin Money Flow Indicator
ero Line Crosses
The basic trading premise with the CMF indicator is if the indicator is above 0 this is a bullish sign, while a reading below 0 represents a bearish signal. Reading above +.25 or below -.25 indicate strong trends and positions can be added on minor corrections.
rend Lines
Like many other indicators, traders will draw trend lines on the indicators themselves and look for both breakouts on the indicator and the price on the chart. This method is very subjective, since the trader will have to accurately identify the trend on the indicator.
Divergence can show up in the indicator when the chaikin money flow indicator makes a higher high, while the price action makes a lower low. This implies that there is less selling pressure pushing the security lower, thus a bounce is in order.
See You at the Top,
Al Hill is the co-founder of mysmp.com (My Stock Market Power) which provides free trading articles to investors.
Please visit http://www.mysmp.com/ for more free articles.
AFP - As stock markets sink and fears grow of a global recession, Latin America is banking on gains as well as losses from tourists tightening their purse strings.
Stock Trading Business
September Auto Sales Canada 1 7 Vs Us
Trading Tips
Forex Autopilot Software A Time-Saver And Minimizes Risk
If time is of the essence for you, then automated forex trading is the answer. The latest trend in the foreign exchange market is in forex robot software, an incredible device that takes the time commitment out of foreign investment.
This software operates based on pre-designed algorithms. These highly advanced algorithms allow for trading to be a completely automated process. This software is obviously available with a range of functions that are designed by experienced manufacturers and designers. You can find these online.
The forex robot software eliminates the guesswork out of trading and it is also designed to work for all level of traders with different account size.
Clearly the automated forex trading saves time and effort, two commodities people cannot afford to waste. As soon as a trader programs the forex robot software, it proceeds to invest on behalf of the investor without further input on a continual, 24-hour basis.
Sometimes crucial deals are overlooked during manual trading. This is the type of unfortunate situation that forex software prevents due to its continuous trading.
For those of you who experience trouble with trade management, forex robot software will prove especially appealing. It facilitates decision-making even to the point of closing a contract.
The forex robot software deals in several foreign currencies. Market data and financial reports are submitted with real time and this information is available whenever it is requested.
The forex trade is ultimately within the trader's hands however, since he or she programs the software according to specifications then allows the system to conduct transactions. Although there will always be a risk factor in foreign investing, forex robot software minimizes risk and assists with overall maximization of profits.
By Richard U. Olson
This software operates based on pre-designed algorithms. These highly advanced algorithms allow for trading to be a completely automated process. This software is obviously available with a range of functions that are designed by experienced manufacturers and designers. You can find these online.
The forex robot software eliminates the guesswork out of trading and it is also designed to work for all level of traders with different account size.
Clearly the automated forex trading saves time and effort, two commodities people cannot afford to waste. As soon as a trader programs the forex robot software, it proceeds to invest on behalf of the investor without further input on a continual, 24-hour basis.
Sometimes crucial deals are overlooked during manual trading. This is the type of unfortunate situation that forex software prevents due to its continuous trading.
For those of you who experience trouble with trade management, forex robot software will prove especially appealing. It facilitates decision-making even to the point of closing a contract.
The forex robot software deals in several foreign currencies. Market data and financial reports are submitted with real time and this information is available whenever it is requested.
The forex trade is ultimately within the trader's hands however, since he or she programs the software according to specifications then allows the system to conduct transactions. Although there will always be a risk factor in foreign investing, forex robot software minimizes risk and assists with overall maximization of profits.
By Richard U. Olson
Forex Expert Advisors - How Do You Know Who is Really an Expert?
Anyone can claim to be a Forex expert advisor but most are not. So what Forex expert advisors deliver and how do you spot them? Lets find out...
ost Forex Expert advisors have computer software they have programmed which they claim will make you money - but the vast majority of it is based on unsound logic which has no chance of working.
he problem is most of the systems are presented with a hypothetical back test as evidence of the systems money making power.
his though proves nothing, as the vendor knows all the prices - the exact tops and bottoms and can buy and sell, knowing these facts. It's no wonder some of the track records would put the best Forex fund managers in the world to shame. The problem of course is there not real.
ust because someone can make a simulation profitable means nothing. That's why the system has probably not been traded by the vendor. If it was as good as they say they would have one and in fact they wouldn't sell it for $100 - they wouldn't need to, they would be making to much money to bother.
o forget these get rich quick methods that don't work and seek out a forex expert advisor who has a real track record or something worthwhile to teach you so you can devise your own.
f you find a mechanical forex trading system with a real track over a few years, just check the logic, make sure you understand it and can trade it with discipline through losing periods.
espite the fact that most novice traders go for an automatic system, it's a fact that most serious forex traders do not use pure mechanical trading methods, they have human input on - the trade set ups and risk exposure and this really is the way to trade in my view.
orex expert advisors are out there, who have made real money or can teach you Forex trading strategies to get the odds on your side - but they are a minority.
Most vendors hope the novice Forex trader falls for his simulated track record and the trader gets wiped out - don't fall for them, shop around and find a real expert who is a trader and has traded real money.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-expert-advisors-how-do-you-know-who-is-really-an-expert-604543.html
ost Forex Expert advisors have computer software they have programmed which they claim will make you money - but the vast majority of it is based on unsound logic which has no chance of working.
he problem is most of the systems are presented with a hypothetical back test as evidence of the systems money making power.
his though proves nothing, as the vendor knows all the prices - the exact tops and bottoms and can buy and sell, knowing these facts. It's no wonder some of the track records would put the best Forex fund managers in the world to shame. The problem of course is there not real.
ust because someone can make a simulation profitable means nothing. That's why the system has probably not been traded by the vendor. If it was as good as they say they would have one and in fact they wouldn't sell it for $100 - they wouldn't need to, they would be making to much money to bother.
o forget these get rich quick methods that don't work and seek out a forex expert advisor who has a real track record or something worthwhile to teach you so you can devise your own.
f you find a mechanical forex trading system with a real track over a few years, just check the logic, make sure you understand it and can trade it with discipline through losing periods.
espite the fact that most novice traders go for an automatic system, it's a fact that most serious forex traders do not use pure mechanical trading methods, they have human input on - the trade set ups and risk exposure and this really is the way to trade in my view.
orex expert advisors are out there, who have made real money or can teach you Forex trading strategies to get the odds on your side - but they are a minority.
Most vendors hope the novice Forex trader falls for his simulated track record and the trader gets wiped out - don't fall for them, shop around and find a real expert who is a trader and has traded real money.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-expert-advisors-how-do-you-know-who-is-really-an-expert-604543.html
Forex Trading Success - Most Fail Because They Cannot Accept This Key Point
teach forex for a living and it never ceases to amaze me that people don't think the next key point is the key to forex trading success. If you don't accept this key point and mentally prepare for it, you will lose too.
hen I look at the forex education online much of it makes me laugh. You have vendors selling products that promise extra ordinary profits for no effort, with hardly a loss at all but this is not the real world - it's the fantasy world of them selling simulated track records backwards knowing all the data.
eal life trading is a bit harder you don't know what will happen and losses have to be confronted and dealt with.
he Reality
he reality of forex trading is no matter how clever you are how good you're trading system you are going to suffer drawdown and losses and most traders cannot cope with them.
ven the best traders will lose for weeks on end sometimes, that's just the way forex trading is. This doesn't mean you can't win, you can - but you need to face these losing periods and keep these losses small until you hit a home run.
ound easy?
ell if you trade already, you know it's hard but the way to do it and stick on course until you hit a home run is as follows:
eing Disciplined and Hitting Home Runs
irst you need to accept as part of your essential forex education, that losing is part of winning.
on't let them hurt your ego or get angry it's not personal! Then, you need to make sure you trade with discipline, you will only ever do this if, you know the forex trading systems logic and have confidence in it so if its not your own learn it.
he ability to keep losses small is the key. To do this always assume the worst, place your stop and leave it - never run a mental stop. In most cases if you run a mental stop, you are tempted to hang on to long and think the loss will turn around and this is a fatal mistake.
ike a good football team your success is built on defence - keep it tight at the back and don't concede too much and if you have a sound system, sooner or later, it will hit the big trades you can run to cover your losses.
o the moral is keep losses small, take them cheerfully and see them as your overhead, in the quest for success.
lways Remember
ou can be clever you can have a good system but if you are not disciplined taking your losses and keeping them small, you will lose.
n terms of forex success you have to lose to win; this has always been so and always will be so don't fight accept it and your forex trading strategy with good money management and discipline, will lead you to the currency trading success you desire.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-success-most-fail-because-they-cannot-accept-this-key-point-604542.html
hen I look at the forex education online much of it makes me laugh. You have vendors selling products that promise extra ordinary profits for no effort, with hardly a loss at all but this is not the real world - it's the fantasy world of them selling simulated track records backwards knowing all the data.
eal life trading is a bit harder you don't know what will happen and losses have to be confronted and dealt with.
he Reality
he reality of forex trading is no matter how clever you are how good you're trading system you are going to suffer drawdown and losses and most traders cannot cope with them.
ven the best traders will lose for weeks on end sometimes, that's just the way forex trading is. This doesn't mean you can't win, you can - but you need to face these losing periods and keep these losses small until you hit a home run.
ound easy?
ell if you trade already, you know it's hard but the way to do it and stick on course until you hit a home run is as follows:
eing Disciplined and Hitting Home Runs
irst you need to accept as part of your essential forex education, that losing is part of winning.
on't let them hurt your ego or get angry it's not personal! Then, you need to make sure you trade with discipline, you will only ever do this if, you know the forex trading systems logic and have confidence in it so if its not your own learn it.
he ability to keep losses small is the key. To do this always assume the worst, place your stop and leave it - never run a mental stop. In most cases if you run a mental stop, you are tempted to hang on to long and think the loss will turn around and this is a fatal mistake.
ike a good football team your success is built on defence - keep it tight at the back and don't concede too much and if you have a sound system, sooner or later, it will hit the big trades you can run to cover your losses.
o the moral is keep losses small, take them cheerfully and see them as your overhead, in the quest for success.
lways Remember
ou can be clever you can have a good system but if you are not disciplined taking your losses and keeping them small, you will lose.
n terms of forex success you have to lose to win; this has always been so and always will be so don't fight accept it and your forex trading strategy with good money management and discipline, will lead you to the currency trading success you desire.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-success-most-fail-because-they-cannot-accept-this-key-point-604542.html
Automated Forex Trading System - Making Money on Auto Pilot the Reality
he dream of many new Forex traders is to find an automated Forex trading system, simply plug it in and watch the money roll in. While you can make money on autopilot, the reality for most traders is a loss. So how do you win? Let's find out...
here are two major problems you face when looking for and executing an automatic trading system.
1. First You Need a Proven one NOT a Simulated One
Most forex robots sold online are proud of there track records of profits, despite the fact there simply a paper simulation, knowing all the prices! They expect the buyer to take this as evidence that it will make real money and many traders do. There is a problem here though...
he system has made money knowing the closing prices and that's not the reality of trading. Anyone, even my 10 year old nephew, can make money knowing the result in advance but that's nor real trading or real money.
o you need to find an automated forex trading system with a real track record over a period of time, there area few about and there very good for long term traders. Now we come to the second problem which sees traders fail even with a good system that could make them profits.
. Discipline of Application
he simulated forex trading systems never have any real losses of any real duration (because there simulated) but the real world is - you get profits long term but you will suffer drawdown short term.
rawdown depends on the system used. Typically, it will be few weeks to couple of months and you need to ride these losses out. You need to keep executing your trading signals and stay on course until you hit profits again and its not easy! Maintaining discipline when the market gives you loss after loss and makes you look a fool is hard. So how do you stay on course?
ork out the worst drawdown and put your stop below it. Always assume your worst drawdown is ahead of you. Then learn the logic and make sure you agree with it - if you don't have confidence in the logic you won't have the discipline place your trading signals in line with the rules and if you don't have discipline to execute your system rules, you don't have a system.
ook Long Term
utomated forex trading can and does work but its not all profits and no losses as the vendors with simulated track records would have you believe.
In reality you have to look long term minimum a year or two and ignore short term draw down and stay on course. If you can do this then your forex trading strategy will yield you a great income in around 30 minutes a day and you can enjoy currency trading success
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/automated-forex-trading-system-making-money-on-auto-pilot-the-reality-604539.html
here are two major problems you face when looking for and executing an automatic trading system.
1. First You Need a Proven one NOT a Simulated One
Most forex robots sold online are proud of there track records of profits, despite the fact there simply a paper simulation, knowing all the prices! They expect the buyer to take this as evidence that it will make real money and many traders do. There is a problem here though...
he system has made money knowing the closing prices and that's not the reality of trading. Anyone, even my 10 year old nephew, can make money knowing the result in advance but that's nor real trading or real money.
o you need to find an automated forex trading system with a real track record over a period of time, there area few about and there very good for long term traders. Now we come to the second problem which sees traders fail even with a good system that could make them profits.
. Discipline of Application
he simulated forex trading systems never have any real losses of any real duration (because there simulated) but the real world is - you get profits long term but you will suffer drawdown short term.
rawdown depends on the system used. Typically, it will be few weeks to couple of months and you need to ride these losses out. You need to keep executing your trading signals and stay on course until you hit profits again and its not easy! Maintaining discipline when the market gives you loss after loss and makes you look a fool is hard. So how do you stay on course?
ork out the worst drawdown and put your stop below it. Always assume your worst drawdown is ahead of you. Then learn the logic and make sure you agree with it - if you don't have confidence in the logic you won't have the discipline place your trading signals in line with the rules and if you don't have discipline to execute your system rules, you don't have a system.
ook Long Term
utomated forex trading can and does work but its not all profits and no losses as the vendors with simulated track records would have you believe.
In reality you have to look long term minimum a year or two and ignore short term draw down and stay on course. If you can do this then your forex trading strategy will yield you a great income in around 30 minutes a day and you can enjoy currency trading success
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/automated-forex-trading-system-making-money-on-auto-pilot-the-reality-604539.html
Moving Averages - Traders Using Them For Bigger Profits in Forex
Moving averages are a simple tool that any forex trader should use and here we will look at how to use them correctly in your forex trading strategy for bigger profits.
Let's first look at what they are the logic behind them and the best time periods to use.
1. Moving Averages Aims and Definitions
Moving averages come in various forms, but they all have the same aim:
To help traders identify trends smoothing out the day-to-day price fluctuations and show the average price over a set period time.
The calculation is simple:
The closing price is simply added up and divided by the period of the moving average.
2. The Logic
Prices tend to rise slowly over the long term and short term extreme price spikes ten to be a short term reaction caused by the greed and fear of the participants. These price spikes never last long and prices return to the longer term average.
3. The Best Averages to Use
Moving averages are useless in short term time frames but very useful in longer time frames after years of trading these are the moving averages we find most effective.
The 40 day moving average
Can be used for identifying longer term trends and trailing stops can then be placed behind this level.
18 - 20 day moving averages
Can be used for getting into existing trends - this area in a strong pull trend is the ideal place to look to enter new positions.
You do not simply use a moving average to enter a position on a dip like many traders do this is hoping or guessing and you need to remember the moving average is giving you an idea of value and the trend and should not be used in isolation.
When see prices dip to a moving average or break one and you want to take a trading signal, make sure you confirm your trading signal with momentum indicators.
We have discussed this in our other articles so look them up.
Moving averages are a simple yet effective way for forex traders to use and if used correctly and you use the right time periods you will find them an essential trading indicator you can use in your forex trading strategy for bigger profits.
For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on Forex Trading Success and more essential Forex Education visit our website.
Reuters - Evidence piled up on Friday that the world is slipping into recession but the White House played down expectations for a weekend meeting between lame-duck U.S. President George W. Bush and European Union leaders.
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Let's first look at what they are the logic behind them and the best time periods to use.
1. Moving Averages Aims and Definitions
Moving averages come in various forms, but they all have the same aim:
To help traders identify trends smoothing out the day-to-day price fluctuations and show the average price over a set period time.
The calculation is simple:
The closing price is simply added up and divided by the period of the moving average.
2. The Logic
Prices tend to rise slowly over the long term and short term extreme price spikes ten to be a short term reaction caused by the greed and fear of the participants. These price spikes never last long and prices return to the longer term average.
3. The Best Averages to Use
Moving averages are useless in short term time frames but very useful in longer time frames after years of trading these are the moving averages we find most effective.
The 40 day moving average
Can be used for identifying longer term trends and trailing stops can then be placed behind this level.
18 - 20 day moving averages
Can be used for getting into existing trends - this area in a strong pull trend is the ideal place to look to enter new positions.
You do not simply use a moving average to enter a position on a dip like many traders do this is hoping or guessing and you need to remember the moving average is giving you an idea of value and the trend and should not be used in isolation.
When see prices dip to a moving average or break one and you want to take a trading signal, make sure you confirm your trading signal with momentum indicators.
We have discussed this in our other articles so look them up.
Moving averages are a simple yet effective way for forex traders to use and if used correctly and you use the right time periods you will find them an essential trading indicator you can use in your forex trading strategy for bigger profits.
For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on Forex Trading Success and more essential Forex Education visit our website.
Reuters - Evidence piled up on Friday that the world is slipping into recession but the White House played down expectations for a weekend meeting between lame-duck U.S. President George W. Bush and European Union leaders.
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Choosing the Right Forex Broker
Choosing the Right Forex Broker
When you first start trading the forex market finding a broker is unlikely to be a major concern; aren't all brokers the same anyway? Lets face it if you can find a trading strategy that you are comfortable with and become consistently profitable then that is the battle won, right? Unfortunately it isn't that easy and the shame of it is that ther
When you first start trading the forex market finding a broker is unlikely to be a major concern; aren't all brokers the same anyway? Lets face it if you can find a trading strategy that you are comfortable with and become consistently profitable then that is the battle won, right? Unfortunately it isn't that easy and the shame of it is that ther
Forex Trading - 10 Accepted Forex Wisdoms That are Wrong and Cause Losses
f you want to win you need to forget about the commonly accepted wisdoms about Forex Trading told to you online. Most people follow them and remember - most traders lose...
. Forex Trading is Easy
endors continually tell you this and tell you that they can lead you to success with little or no effort; alas it's not true, as we said 95% of traders lose! Winning, depends on having a sound forex education and knowing what you're doing. You're in charge and if you accept this, you can win.
. Forex Robots Work
Small minority do - but not the vast amount of forex robots sold for $100 or so.
ecause they have never been traded!
he track records look good but that's simply because they are a back test, on historical data, knowing the closing prices, well if you the exact prices its not hard to make a profit. If you want to lose, the majority of forex trading robots are great way to do it.
. Day Trading restricts risk and Increases Rewards
his is a dumb way to trade, it's pretty obvious that all daily volatility is random and you have no chance of winning long term. Sure, vendors claim profits but like the robots earlier it's all simulated profits on paper not real cold hard cash you can spend at the store.
. Complex Mathematical Algorithms Can Predict
This always makes me laugh - forex trading is a market of probabilities not certainties, so what is the use of complex mathematics?
f I ever see a system based on complex maths, by some nerd I'm off to the next one. The best way to make forex profits is with a simple, robust trading system which has fewer elements to break than a complicated one.
. Risk 2% Only per Trade
his is ok on 100k account - but let's see on a small trader account that equates to $20.00 - well short term volatility will have that. Risk 10 - 20% and remember - this is not being rash, it's simply risking enough to make enough and if you take calculated risks, when the odds are in your favour you can win.
. Always Diversify
gain ok for a big account - but on a small account diversification simply means you dilute the potential profit of a great odds trade, with a marginal trade.
orget diversification.
7. You Need to be on top of Market prices all Day
have seen people who think this helps them win - it doesn't.
You should check prices maybe once or twice a day and that's all you need. This myth is put about by day traders, who lose chase prices around in random volatility and lose. Don't join them and get caught up in the noise.
8 You Need to Constantly Educate Yourself
he more you learn the better a trader you will be - rubbish!
orex trading has got nothing to do with this. You don't get your reward for your effort, you get rewarded for making money with your trading signal and that's it.
have never changed my forex trading system in 20 years, it works, has losses but the profits are bigger. Sure its not perfect but no system is.
aw someone giving forex advice that you should write down and learn from your losses really?
What use is that you lost! All trading systems have losses, if your system is soundly based profits come as well - there is nothing to learn.
. Use a Demo Account
o see if you can win in real life use a demo account. Fact is most traders who win in demo accounts, don't win in the market - why? Because there is absence of pressure and forex trading is a pressure environment, money is on the line.
t can help you get familiar with the trading platform but that's it.
0. The More Leverage you Use the Better
ost people think that brokers give 200 or 400:1 leverage out of the goodness of their hearts. In reality, most are market makes i.e. they win when you lose and they know investors will over leverage and blow their accounts up. 10 - 20:1 is plenty of leverage on most accounts.
inal Words
o there you have 10 commonly accepted wisdoms, that most traders believe and there all wrong. If you want to win understand the majority lose and believe one or all of the above so called wisdoms - don't make the same mistake.
et a sound forex education and focus on doing what the majority don't do and you can win.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-10-accepted-forex-wisdoms-that-are-wrong-and-cause-losses-604538.html
. Forex Trading is Easy
endors continually tell you this and tell you that they can lead you to success with little or no effort; alas it's not true, as we said 95% of traders lose! Winning, depends on having a sound forex education and knowing what you're doing. You're in charge and if you accept this, you can win.
. Forex Robots Work
Small minority do - but not the vast amount of forex robots sold for $100 or so.
ecause they have never been traded!
he track records look good but that's simply because they are a back test, on historical data, knowing the closing prices, well if you the exact prices its not hard to make a profit. If you want to lose, the majority of forex trading robots are great way to do it.
. Day Trading restricts risk and Increases Rewards
his is a dumb way to trade, it's pretty obvious that all daily volatility is random and you have no chance of winning long term. Sure, vendors claim profits but like the robots earlier it's all simulated profits on paper not real cold hard cash you can spend at the store.
. Complex Mathematical Algorithms Can Predict
This always makes me laugh - forex trading is a market of probabilities not certainties, so what is the use of complex mathematics?
f I ever see a system based on complex maths, by some nerd I'm off to the next one. The best way to make forex profits is with a simple, robust trading system which has fewer elements to break than a complicated one.
. Risk 2% Only per Trade
his is ok on 100k account - but let's see on a small trader account that equates to $20.00 - well short term volatility will have that. Risk 10 - 20% and remember - this is not being rash, it's simply risking enough to make enough and if you take calculated risks, when the odds are in your favour you can win.
. Always Diversify
gain ok for a big account - but on a small account diversification simply means you dilute the potential profit of a great odds trade, with a marginal trade.
orget diversification.
7. You Need to be on top of Market prices all Day
have seen people who think this helps them win - it doesn't.
You should check prices maybe once or twice a day and that's all you need. This myth is put about by day traders, who lose chase prices around in random volatility and lose. Don't join them and get caught up in the noise.
8 You Need to Constantly Educate Yourself
he more you learn the better a trader you will be - rubbish!
orex trading has got nothing to do with this. You don't get your reward for your effort, you get rewarded for making money with your trading signal and that's it.
have never changed my forex trading system in 20 years, it works, has losses but the profits are bigger. Sure its not perfect but no system is.
aw someone giving forex advice that you should write down and learn from your losses really?
What use is that you lost! All trading systems have losses, if your system is soundly based profits come as well - there is nothing to learn.
. Use a Demo Account
o see if you can win in real life use a demo account. Fact is most traders who win in demo accounts, don't win in the market - why? Because there is absence of pressure and forex trading is a pressure environment, money is on the line.
t can help you get familiar with the trading platform but that's it.
0. The More Leverage you Use the Better
ost people think that brokers give 200 or 400:1 leverage out of the goodness of their hearts. In reality, most are market makes i.e. they win when you lose and they know investors will over leverage and blow their accounts up. 10 - 20:1 is plenty of leverage on most accounts.
inal Words
o there you have 10 commonly accepted wisdoms, that most traders believe and there all wrong. If you want to win understand the majority lose and believe one or all of the above so called wisdoms - don't make the same mistake.
et a sound forex education and focus on doing what the majority don't do and you can win.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/currency-trading-articles/forex-trading-10-accepted-forex-wisdoms-that-are-wrong-and-cause-losses-604538.html
Top Tips For a Successful Forex Trading System
Generally currencies always trade well and the price always is the leading indicator so be sure to look for convincing clues and follow the lead. Your indicators are really your best friend. You must believe in what they are telling you 100 percent of the time with no exceptions. Analyze the clues that they are giving you and act upon them. Never second guess them.
Forex training is available via online courses, advanced trading workshops and one on one mentoring. Forex training is a process which requires a continuous effort to apply the knowledge that can be gathered from reading Forex trading books, into practice.
As you refine your skills, you'll find you're more discerning of the tools. And you'll begin to notice more features on the forex charts. The forex trading signals may be quite standard on many sites, but how they integrate the forex trading signals with the forex charts may not function well with your style.
Always be aware for combinations of price patterns as well as obvious price patterns when looking for clues. The most successful Forex traders only think one way, in one direction. If the trend is up then buy the dips and if the trend is down then sell the rallies. Forex trading does not need to be any more complicated than that.
Investing in the proper training is just as important as the amount of money that you will invest in your live trading account. The key goal of the Forex training is to learn a proven system that will allow you to make profits once you start apply the formula and to practice the strategies on a paper trading account to boost your confidence about the winning system.
Forex training is available via online courses, advanced trading workshops and one on one mentoring. Forex training is a process which requires a continuous effort to apply the knowledge that can be gathered from reading Forex trading books, into practice.
As you refine your skills, you'll find you're more discerning of the tools. And you'll begin to notice more features on the forex charts. The forex trading signals may be quite standard on many sites, but how they integrate the forex trading signals with the forex charts may not function well with your style.
Always be aware for combinations of price patterns as well as obvious price patterns when looking for clues. The most successful Forex traders only think one way, in one direction. If the trend is up then buy the dips and if the trend is down then sell the rallies. Forex trading does not need to be any more complicated than that.
Investing in the proper training is just as important as the amount of money that you will invest in your live trading account. The key goal of the Forex training is to learn a proven system that will allow you to make profits once you start apply the formula and to practice the strategies on a paper trading account to boost your confidence about the winning system.
How To Determine The Best Forex Trading Strategy
Learning Forex trading is not a simple task, but in no way it is difficult either. Forex trading is all about regulation, willpower and determination. Leveraging your strength could be extravagant by organizing the apt Forex trading strategy. You may find hundreds and thousands of Forex trading strategies out there. Logic would tell us that there is a foreign currency strategy out there which leverages our strengths. All forex trading strategies use a variety of indicators and combinations. These indicators and studies are just calculating support and resistance and trend in the Forex trading market.
Fundamental Analysis: It is the forex trading strategy used to forecast long-term trends using indicators of currency values that are given at different times. The disclosure of news makes the market unpredictable; hence the traders should have a close watch on the comments of meetings and reports.
Some traders will merely back test historical data, and then run the system to test on simulated data. If they find that the system could generate good results based on the system parameters, they then adopt the system for actual use in real trading instead of a paper trade.
Take the time to actually understand the forex trading strategy. Study the components independently so a deeper understanding of the strategic mechanisms would be mastered. If you recognize the components, internalize its use, and make consistent profits into your forex trading account, then you have your own Forex trading strategy. It does not really matter what the professionals say, your account balance is the final judge and judges for your Forex trading strategy.
A forex trading strategy cannot be learnt and perfected overnight and it is for this reason that you are advised to try any forex trading strategy with a demo account and if you get the hang of it and feel you can make it in the real world of Forex, and then you can proceed to actual trading.
Fundamental Analysis: It is the forex trading strategy used to forecast long-term trends using indicators of currency values that are given at different times. The disclosure of news makes the market unpredictable; hence the traders should have a close watch on the comments of meetings and reports.
Some traders will merely back test historical data, and then run the system to test on simulated data. If they find that the system could generate good results based on the system parameters, they then adopt the system for actual use in real trading instead of a paper trade.
Take the time to actually understand the forex trading strategy. Study the components independently so a deeper understanding of the strategic mechanisms would be mastered. If you recognize the components, internalize its use, and make consistent profits into your forex trading account, then you have your own Forex trading strategy. It does not really matter what the professionals say, your account balance is the final judge and judges for your Forex trading strategy.
A forex trading strategy cannot be learnt and perfected overnight and it is for this reason that you are advised to try any forex trading strategy with a demo account and if you get the hang of it and feel you can make it in the real world of Forex, and then you can proceed to actual trading.
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